6 Week Interactive Webinar With Bonus Video Sessions 

Sep 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
Oct 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19
12:30 US EDT / 17:30 UK

Would you like to PROVE to yourself
that you have the natural ability to
keep your body healthy?

Imagine what your life would be like if your body operated like a finely-tuned machine.

How would you feel if you never had to be at the mercy of a health crisis?

Would you like to experience for yourself how YOU can experience everything Lester Levenson talks about...

  • That you can heal your body for the mere thought of it?
  • That pain cannot touch you?
  • That you can even remain 18 all your life?

Sounds crazy, but...

Lester always says, "Don't believe what I say, but take it for checking."

In the releasing that you've done, and in everything that you have discovered through using the method, has Lester been wrong so far?

Could you stand more vitality
and energy on a daily basis?

Most people don't have enough energy or mental/physical endurance to achieve any of their biggest goals, let alone dreams.

And what about slowing down, even reversing, the aging process? That represents a huge benefit to you and me.

Join the Body Mastery Course starting September 12th and enhance, enrich and ensure your longer, joyous life.

We're going to do amazing health makeovers for everyone who attends (who cares about improving their health and expanding their quality of life).

The program is geared toward everyone and anyone who wants a better, longer, happier, healthier life... and all the other benefits and advantages that go along with it.

These six weeks, you'll discover proven, result-certain, breakthrough methods for achieving sustaining and forever mastering your own, personal Health... health levels beyond your wildest possible comprehension.

There's no price, sick or unhealthy, people wouldn't pay for a second chance. The value of invigorating your creativity, motivation, concentration is... well beyond any price I or you could set.

The near certainty of making all your unfilled dreams a reality is probably the final reason to do it.

Take a look to see what I mean:  

2 yrs ago i went to a Master Course with Kris, wanting to have another kid. The doctors said it would never happen.

Now I hold my
precious 7 months old girl. It happened when I became imperturbable about the subject of having more kids.


One of my goals, at the beginning of the course, was to release my addiction to weed.

This was a tricky one for me because weed helped me to deal with a big burnout and an anxious mind.
It also helped completely quit a 20 years old habit of smoking cigarettes and also drop any alcohol craving. My joints were pure and I was proud of this ;)

So, as you can see, the story I was telling myself about weed was a very positive one. It took me a while to detect when this habit slowly took control. I realized that I was giving it too much importance.

Anyways, I am now 4 weeks weed free.

Thank you! :)


“My body pains in my joints topped.  I climbed 2500 feet to the top of the mountain with no pain or aftermath.  I reached a desireless state with regard to relationships.  I released my life program on perfect control.  I dropped the fear of death feeling.”


"I was able to look at my body with love and total acceptance when I was doing the mirror exercise.  I was able to release old programs that were preventing me from having a healthy relationship with my body, and at the same time let go of the past.  I now know I can create a perfect body.  I was able to let go of all programs that have gotten me stuck and I know now that abundance is already manifested.”


“I’ve gotten higher and happier and in having more than ever before.  I got rid of lots of programs.  I feel unstoppable and limitless.  I can see clearly how my life is going to unfold.  Love is the answer.”


“I allowed huge amounts of resistance and fear to come up around my goal to drop weight, and I saw the program I'd created around it. I dropped 11 pounds without trying.”


Of course, unconsciously a lot of people actually like to hang on to their bodily problems and health issues.  

Their mind is stuck and they seem to like it that way.  

But if you are fed up with your body problems or health issues and you like the idea of directing your mind to erasing all your health challenges than you will find FAST RELIEF on the upcoming: 

The Body Mastery Course

This course will help you...  

  • Lose weight easily, naturally, and lovingly  
  • Have ever-newing energy and vitality
  • Get rid of the failure habits that are holding you back in life, such as procrastination  
  • Rid yourself of compulsions and addictions easily, as though they never existed  
  • Have the love that you deserve  
  • Stop counting calories  
  • Stop beating yourself up and get good at loving yourself  
  • Eliminate stress in your life
  • Feel safe and secure all the time  
  • Drop the fear which is holding you back from living your dreams  
  • Have abundance of EVERYTHING  
  • Be in total control of your life with ease
  • Discover and establish who YOU really are... once and for all

Here's how the course works and what you get:  

  • Two 2-hour live video conference sessions each week, Thursday and Saturday at 12:30pm Eastern US (5:30pm UK).
  • You may connect to the video conference using a simple app on your phone, tablet, or computer. You have the option to share your video, or interact verbally (without sharing your video), or you may dial in by telephone (local to most countries).  
  • During these live conference sessions, I will work with you directly on your goals – showing you specific tools that will enable you to remove the limitations that have blocked you from haveng your ideal body already.  
  • Two additional 1-hour video sessions each week guide you, one-on-one, into the workings of your mind so you can understand how you've always had the power to consciously create whatever you wish in in your body.  
  • All sessions are recorded and will be added to your personal library in the Members Area for you to access any time you choose.  
  • Each week, you'll get homework assignments to follow until the next week's sessions.  
  • You'll be assigned a partner through the duration of the course, to keep each other motivated and accountable, and to maximise your momentum.  
  • You'll learn how to identify the exact programs that are manifesting problems in your body and neutralize those programs right at the source.  
  • You'll discover how to clean up your past 'mental blueprints' of your body, so you let it easily be a perfect image of health.  
  • You'll learn how to open yourself up to true unconditional giving and receiving.  
  • You'll discover how to take 100% responsibility for your life and to use it to reclaim your happiness.  
  • You'll stop wasting time with limiting thougts and learn how to develop and trust the power of quiet.  
  • You'll effectively dismantle the self-sabotage programs that have created a pattern of abandoned goals and dreams.  
  • You'll develop a clear picture with which to implement the life of your dreams.  
  • You'll to stop settling for less than you deserve. You will learn how to say "yes" to love and abundance of all kinds.  
  • You'll learn how to create an abundant lifestyle that will inspire you to go all the way to attaining the greatest goal: Total Freedom.

Bring Out The True You And Manifest At Will  

In each live conference, and guided video session, I will work with you directly and show you how to master your body (once you realize you don't even need it) by bringing together all of Lester's advanced teachings that will connect you with your inner power.  

Are you ready to take inspired action and take your life to a whole new level?  

If you really want to open up your life and change your current results to happiness and bliss—the answer is right here, right now.

The Body Mastery Course
Starting September 12th

Make one payment of $495 or three monthly payments of $165

Join Now

Prove it to yourself. The key to living a life of peace and abundance is inside you. You have the answer - you just have to uncover it.  

This new in-depth course gives you the tools to knock out anything that stands in the way of living the life you choose.

Love, Kristopher Dillard

About Kris Dillard:

Kris Dillard is the second generation lineage to the teachings of Lester Levenson, a Realized Master.  

Kris knows firsthand how quickly... and easily... the truth of the Real Self can be seen. And he’s delighted to share with you this collection of simple–but extraordinarily effective–tools to taking all the effort out of life.  

Kris is a “walking demonstration” that all of us can do this: Achieve our goals and live the life we've dreamed.