Bring Peace, Happiness, and Abundance To Your Life

What is the ‘Power of Quiet?’

It’s a simple, step-by-step method for quickly putting your mind and body “into stillness” — and accessing your joyful, spontaneous, creative state of Being.

Master Your Fate

21 Day Online Video Course


  • 21 Sessions over 21 Days guide you though letting go of the blocks to happiness and abundance
  • Each session comes with unique do-it-yourself assignments
  • Each video provides easy-to-understand demonstrations of the coursework
  • In-depth explanations show you exactly what to do every step of the way
  • Members Only gateway gives you gives you convenient access to your course on your computer, tablet, or smart phone

Conscious Creation Master Course

6 Week Live Video Course
Jan 30 – Mar 8


  • (2) Two hour live sessions each week by interactive video conference
  • (2) One hour guided video sessions take you deeper into the topics we explore each week
  • Manifest your goals with more ease and clarity
  • Identify your resistance to having, and let it go
  • Expand your momentum by having a partner for collaboration and support
  • Erase the subconscious blocks that stop you from having what you want in life
  • Feel more alive than ever before – constantly in tune with the possibilities of Now

The Final Step to Freedom Retreat

12 Day Retreat in Romania
July 1 – 12


  • Find your purpose and express your power
  • Feel more in tune with life’s events and respond to them with grace and ease
  • Experience the joy of a silent mind
  • Be more productive and have unlimited energy
  • Control your thinking so you can manifest your goals and intentions constantly
  • Experience bliss throughout your Being, and radiate harmony into the world
  • Live from a “place” where all your desires are completely fulfilled and satisfied for the mere thought of it

What graduates are saying

Here’s a small sample of real-world gains experienced by graduates of the method


Had a $50,000 money gain without doing any work for it.

I used to avoid taking personal responsibility like the plague and in doing so I used to listen to my mind and beat myself up and in a twisted way I started associating personal responsibility with feeling defeated and beating myself up.

I am now EXPERIENCING how empowering it is to take personal responsibility and it really does put me back in the driver’s seat. I am letting go of beating myself a lot more. This is probably one of the biggest gains I have had.


Since taking the course, I noticed the following gains:

– extremely reduced Back pain
– 50% income increase with one client
– witnessing more what I’m creating and the ability to directly reverse or accept
– higher ability to handle my feelings appropriately
– more clarity of why things are actually the way they are


Your assistance before my surgery was immensely helpful and the surgery was a breeze, and very successful.

I can walk with more comfort and am able to snowshoe and add back some of my activities.

I know that this work made all the difference and the entire experience was very loving; everyone was so supportive with meals, flowers, cards etc. that I really saw my abundance in giving and receiving love.

A very big thank you for nudging us along to see our abundance.

New York

Financial gains; The beginning of the year is when much of my income is received. Today I got a check for $13,500 that was unexpected.

One of my goals was to sell our waterfront property in Naples, Fl and indeed it sold early last summer, although for a bit less than desired.

With the non-income producing asset being converted an income producing asset, I expect my share to increase my yearly income by over $100k.

When you ask what we would do differently with abundance, I think I will have more to gift as I already have financial freedom.

Learn more about Lester Levenson and Kris Dillard

Learn more about the Spiritual Master whose work continues to this day.