What is happiness?
It’s the ultimate goal every one of us is looking for, right? … total and complete happiness with no taint of sorrow whatsoever.
We are all striving for this in everything we’re going after, but somehow missing the goal. The reason why we miss our goal is simply because we’re aiming in the wrong direction. So long as we remain pointed in the wrong direction, we can never attain that goal of perfect happiness.
What is the wrong direction? (And more importantly, what is the right direction?)
First, the wrong direction is the one we find ourselves almost completely wrapped up in: Seeking happiness in people and things.
The problem with this is believing happiness lies in attaining those things, whether it’s that incredible relationship, that awesome car, or that successful business and lifestyle.
Sure, when we achieve these things from time to time, we feel happy – but it never lasts. It doesn’t take long before we start becoming dissatisfied with the shiny object, and we set out to seek something better. Or, we become fearful of losing that which we’ve attained.
Stop looking for happiness in people and things.
Here you merely eliminate the pain of the desire for something, and the relief you get you call happiness. And the happiness is short-lived because the desire is not eliminated and is still there, and therefore the pain of it continues to gnaw at you.
If you would trace happiness down to its source, you would discover that there is no happiness in external things or people. Happiness is something you experience within.
And it’s there all the time if you just don’t cut it off by making it dependent on someone liking you, or on your getting your goals.
Now the starting point is you. You must take the way toward discovering you, and only you can do it.
Accept nothing unless you can prove it yourself. Prove it and it is yours. Prove it and then you can use it.
You must quiet your mind from unrest.
ONLY by quieting your mind (removing the “filter” of limitations) will Beingness create perfectly through you.
ONLY by quieting your mind will your life “reflect back to you” ease, playfulness, freedom and happiness.
How do you quiet your mind?
The easiest way is through the experiential exercises that I guide you through right here.
Check it out if you want to experience the relief and peace that comes from having a quiet mind and the resulting ease, freedom, joy, and abundance in your everyday life and business.