Allowing is a concept that we can grasp pretty easily, but it seems to be something that we get hung up on a lot.
We’ve grown up to think differently, to be results-orientated in a ‘get it done’ sort of way. And this state of thinking is getting more intense with our modern fast-paced, instant gratification culture.
Allowing requires us to take a different approach, from a point of view of patience and trust. It leads us to make the choice between living as a ‘human being’ or as a ‘human doing.’
But once you make this decision (to be a human being!) you quickly discover that allowing is the most practical thing you can do — that leads to the fastest results.
Increasing your focus on allowing and ultimately receiving can be a magical, relaxing and incredibly effective way for you to relate to your goals and dreams.
You can prove this out for yourself right now with the 21 Day Mastering Your Fate Course.
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