“Wake Up” and live a most excellent life

Shakespheare said, “Sleep no more.”

That’s how most of us are living our lives …unfortunately.


We are walking through life, literally, asleep.

You know what that’s like. Such as, walking down the street and you realize that you remember nothing about the last 4 or 5 blocks you walked past.

Or you’re in a conversation with someone, and it suddenly dawns on you that you cannot remember anything they said the past 5 minutes.

What happened?

You were lost in your mind, in your own thoughts.

Now look around at the rest of the world. Notice people you see on the street, on the bus, the subway. Isn’t everyone lost in thought, more or less?

And as long as we’re lost in thought, we are not awake to what is really happening around us.

Life has no aliveness to it. No spontaneity, and no creativity.

Therefore we must drop this habit of putting our attention into the mind.

When we do, something wondrous reveals itself to us.

The spaciousness that exists in this moment.


Watch this and experience how life can be lived beyond the mind, and in the Now.

See… this is how life should be lived… effortless and free.

And life *just works* from this place, in ways far greater than the mind can ever imagine.

Find out here in this free tutorial.

6 responses to ““Wake Up” and live a most excellent life”

  1. Cathy Avatar

    Hope all is wonderful in your world Kris. You are amazing and I wish you the warmest most prosperous life anyone could ask for. Thank you for being you and for all you have done and will continue to do.

  2. christine Avatar

    I just read Lances email you are no longer associated with the Release Technique. Obviously something has gone down. I always found your Thursday morning classes (down under time) very helpful. I sincerely hope you are ok and still practising and going to be around and accessible to the general public?

  3. Kris Dillard Avatar
    Kris Dillard

    Thank you for the kind words. Everything is terrific.

    This new organization is built on the love for Lester’s teachings, and each step is a step of surrender. Everything is unfolding with beauty and effortlessness.

    The greatest thing is the reflection of love coming into this endeavor – – the love you’re giving. I appreciate that so much.

    I am always here to serve.

    1. Mark Avatar

      I met you in Philly last year Kris, and have listened to many a call-in, and been blessed and inspired by your many brief, yet powerfully helpful video posts. Thank you for the ceaseless efforts you’ve given and for your openness, service and integrity. May your light continue to shine ever-more brightly.

  4. christine Avatar

    so this site is new and you are developing it? sorry I am oblivious to what has gone before. I just searched your name after reading Lances email.

  5. Equanimous Avatar

    I love you, Kris. Best wishes with your endeavors. Thanks so much for teaching. You are awesome!