Making love (not war) with your feelings

We all know how it feels to try and hold on the good feelings like happiness and good vibes and push away or avoid the feelings like frustration and stress.

Most of us are also experts at waging war with our thoughts and our feelings. It’s a constant battle between what we’re feeling in the moment and our judgements about what we should be feeling.

Surprisingly, the biggest battlers seem to be those of us who are on a path to consciousness. It’s the silliest thing because we’re not practicing the ideals we’re supposedly following.

In our quest for consciousness, we ruthlessly look at our feelings (and negative thinking) and proclaim that they should not be here.

No, that’s not the way to go about it.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind…

You’re meant to feel them ALL

Feelings are meant to be experienced and not just the ones we like feeling. There’s nothing good or bad about anger, sadness, impatience, depression and fear.

It is the most amazing liberating experience to be able to sit with and allow the uncomfortable feelings. Love them and let them be there while letting go of resistance to them creates miracles!

Feelings are meant to flow

Feelings are meant to come and go and flow through us. They are not meant to be suppressed. But what happens is that when we resist or deny our feelings they get stuck. Like Carl Jung said, “what we resist, persists”. This is true about our feelings.

When we turn away from our feelings because they’re too uncomfortable and we make them wrong, they persist. Conversely, when we accept them and hold space for them they can flow through on their own. And, we can start experiencing the ‘unreality’ of all of them.

Feelings are not meant to be judged

Feelings are not meant to be judged as good or bad. They’re nothing more than a sensation, and are nothing more than part of being in the human experience.

As soon as we learn to let go of the judgment around our feelings lose any weight and power. They’re just there and they can trouble us no more.

We are imperturbable.

Check out this full how-to-do-it guide for being the master of your feelings – and operating as a conscious creator!